Sunday, November 4, 2007

A good movie

I saw this movie today at the Valley Art Theater in Tempe, and highly recommend it:

This movie rocks because it has Anita Bryant getting a pie to the face during a press conference. She noted that at least it was a fruit pie. I sometimes wonder why some of the anti-gay people are also against the polygamists in Colorado City/Hilldale. After all, the same Bible that calls homosexuality an "abomination" or "unnatural" says that polygamy is okay. I have been told many times by various Christian fundamentalists that the Bible is to be taken literally and not interpreted, yet I have yet to meet a Christian who lives out the Bible literally, especially those parts of Leviticus that prohibit eating shrimp or wearing clothing made from more than one type of material. I'm still awaiting the campaign to kill everyone who works (or shops) on the Sabbath...also mandated by Leviticus. If you are reading this from Virginia Beach and happen to run into Pat Robertson at Walmart on a Saturday (I don't take him for a Costco shopper), please let me know! But in seriousness, this was a touching movie, and showed that there are many people of faith in this country whose faith is deeper because they love someone in their family who is not heterosexual. But that's enough preaching. It's back to my radical homosexual know, sleeping in, rearranging the furniture, then going out for a latte, or whatever else might be on my radical agenda for tomorrow!

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