Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Eating healthy while dining out may get easier in Arizona

State Senator Amanda Aguirre of Yuma, fresh off a legislative victory with her bill the Governor just signed requiring health insurers to cover autism, has reached a compromise with the Arizona Restaurant and Hospitality Association to get healthier choices identified on restaurant menus across Arizona. Aguirre had originally sought broad food labeling, which was opposed by the industry. But now restaurants may voluntarily agree to have healthy choices on their menu certified by the state, getting them publicity on the Department of Health Services website, and allowing them to put a label on the front door letting patrons know there are state approved healthy choices at that restaurant. Kudos to Aguirre, a nutritionist, for her efforts for a healthier and safer Arizona. Her victories are rare for a legislature beset by gridlock, and especially as a member of the minority party (Democrat), which usually has little power.

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