Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Family's religious involvement tied to less risky teen sexual behavior

You may not expect to see this news from someone on the left, that teens in families with greater religious involvement are less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior, such as having multiple partners or becoming sexually active at an early age. However, male teens in families with high religious involvement are less likely to use contraception. The reason given for the generally lower risk sexual behavior is not because of a focus on abstinence. Rather, the study says, it is an issue of parental involvement and family connectedness, and of parents knowing who their children's social groups are. “This study shows the importance of parents who are involved in their children’s lives and know who their children’s friends are,” said Jennifer Manlove, Ph.D., lead author of the study. “Parents who monitor their children’s activities and peer environments, who engage their families in regular activities, and who foster strong parent-child relationships can help reduce risky sexual behaviors, regardless of family religiosity.”

1 comment:

Richard said...

Who's gonna argue with Dr. Manlove?