Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Watch Sarah Palin speak to her church, ask members to pray for a pipeline

Watch Sarah Palin speaking to her church earlier this summer, asking parishoners to pray that a local pipeline gets built because it is God's will that Alaska's natural resources be used for the lower 48, and hear her Pastor declare that Alaska is a great refuge in the final days.

Is she prepared to be a leader of something bigger than Alaska (yes, there are places bigger than wide open Alaska)? Does she realize there are people of faith in this country praying that we find alternative forms of energy that do not flood people out of their homes or create droughts? Does she believe in praying for God's will, or merely for her own self interest? She brags about how her Pastor did not pray that she be elected "if it is God's will," but rather just straight out he prayed that she be elected, and it worked. If Obama's pastor is fair game this election, then Palin's church advocating her election should launch a discussion of whether her church should keep its non-profit status from the IRS, since churches and other non-profits are not allowed to advocate one candidate or party over another. If they want to advocate political candidates or parties, fine, but let them pay taxes like everyone else has to, and not hide under the cloak of religion. I frankly don't think Palin's brand of Christianity squares with my reading of Jesus's teachings, including rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's and rendering unto God what is God's. Moreover, I do not believe Jesus's kingdom is one of this Earth. A different interpretation of this lead to the crusades, and has lead to the religious right trying to force their brand of Christianity upon the rest of us (Christian or not) over the past 30 years. I am not sure Sarah Palin has been exposed to many views different than her own in her isolated community in Alaska. So please, everyone reading this, pray for her!

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