Friday, September 28, 2007

Who is the bigger threat, our "friend" or our "enemy"?

We have heard an awful lot lately from the Bush Administration and in the media about Iran's nuclear program, which is still in its infant stages. What did not get wide media attention, however, was the recent poll from Pakistan showing that Osama Bin Laden has a higher public approval rating than U.S. War on Terror-ally General Pervez Musharraf, the current leader of that country. Even worse, Bin Laden's approval rating in Pakistan is five times that of U.S. President George Bush, whose approval rating is just 9% in Pakistan. So while the U.S. government and media keep their eyes on Iran, a country that had nothing to do with September 11 and which is still several years away from possessing a nuclear weapon, Iran's neighbor, Pakistan, is already a nuclear power, and has become a hotbed of Al-Qaeda and Taliba activity. Should we be scared?

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