Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Many Obama supporters back gay marriage ban; many Al Melvin supporters opposed it

We know from the fact that Barack Obama carried California in a landslide while Proposition 8 passed comfortably that many Obama backers clearly voted to ban gay marriage. Among them were the 70% of African-American voters in California who voted to ban gay marriage. Around 95% of African-American voters supported Obama nationwide, a figure that is probably similar in California. But what we now know is that afluent Republican voters in the Tucson foothills, who elected a socially and otherwise conservative new state Senator, Al Melvin, also voted against banning gay marriage, accorind to the Arizona Daily Star. It is one of those issues that does not really follow partisan divides. Higher educated and more affluent voters tend to be more open minded on the subject, even if they want their capital gains and dividend tax cut.

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